Enochian chess 12
Enochian chess 12

enochian chess 12

First however, a brief summary of the history of the game is offered. Since I have taken the approach of dividing the physical elements of the game into the board, and the chess pieces respectively, I will discuss these elements in that same order. The premise of the paper is that not only is there a strong esoteric symbolism present in the game of Chess, this symbolism may be positively correlated with Esoteric concepts found in Freemasonry. It will address the intangible spiritual elements in the context of the physical. This paper will deal primarily with the physical characteristics of the Chess board, the functions of the Chess pieces and the esoteric symbolism which these game elements exhibit. The challenge of the game increases in direct proportion to the match in the degree of skill of the participants. The tools unique to each participant are the mental and spiritual processes brought to bear during play. The physical constraints of the board, combined with the limitations of movement prescribed for each chess piece on that board, and together with the rules and conventions of the game constitute the totality of the tools used equally in common by each participant. In Chess, the playing field is defined by the chess board upon which the chess pieces operate.

enochian chess 12

Like the Tarot cards, the chessmen represent the elements of life and philosophy. It has been called “the royal game”–the pastime of kings. In its symbolism chess is the most significant of all games. Hall said, concerning the Game of Chess:

enochian chess 12

This parallel between the game of chess and our material lives is a paramount factor in grasping the esoteric properties which find active expression not only in the game of Chess, but also in Freemasonry.īrother Manly P.

#Enochian chess 12 free#

Ultimately, the game represents man’s exercise of free will while operating within the confines of natural law. The external struggles include the mundane stresses associated with living in the material world, preserving our physical well being, and survival. The internal aspects are the struggles between our dual natures and include those spiritual conflicts by which we maintain our self-identity, rationalise our behaviour and live our lives. I have purposefully described the game in this somewhat unusual manner in order to emphasise the similarity between chess and the internal and external struggles of life. Each decision has a consequence which affects the response of the opponent and future moves of the decision maker, thereby influencing the outcome of the game. Chess is an ancient game of skill and strategy played within the confines of strictly defined rules of play, within which the participants have the freedom to exercise individual decisions (free will).

Enochian chess 12